Phone : +964 (750) 736-4491

Birth Date: 1970-12-05

Nationality: Iraq

Address: Avro city

Asmaa Yahya Qassim

Department of English

Applied Linguistics
Area Interest
Improving teachers reflectively and developing the skills in the process of teaching English.
Teaching Materials
First Course: Phonology

BA in English Language 1993. MA in methods of teaching English 1999. Ph.D. in linguistics and English Language. My deep specialization in Applied Linguistics. 2007. Post Ph.D. in teacher training, methodology, and applied linguistics. 2013. Dr. Asmaa’ Yahya Qassim. She is specialized in the English language since her BA postgraduation in 1993 from the University of Mosul – College of Education – Department of English Language. The postgraduate research paper in the fourth year was entitled “Adventures in Joseph Andrews’ by Henry Fielding. On 9/10/1993 has been appointed as a teacher in the Ministry of Education – Nineva governorate – Secondary school in Al-Qayra outside the city center. She taught second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth classes (literary and scientific branches). Her percentage was 100% for the third and sixth classes. The above doctor has got the surname of the first teacher in 1993-1994. She spent one year and a half, then being accepted for completion of an MA degree from the Ministry of Education. She became an MA student in University of Mosul – College of Education – Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences, specialized in Methods of Teaching English carrying out her MA thesis which is entitled “The Impact of the Use of Language Laboratory on the Development of the Students’ Speaking Skills: an empirical study”, 1999 under the supervision of Dr. Hussein Ali Al-Gargary. Later, she came back to school and directly transformed into the Institute of Fine Arts in Mosul. Then, she was chosen by the Ministry of Education to be a lecturer in Open Educational College – Mosul Center in 1999. After having good experience in teaching and profession in lecturing, the Ministry of Higher Education from Baghdad chose her to be head of the department of English Language. She taught first-year many subjects namely: grammar, conversation, comprehension, composition, literature, and phonetics. In her second year, she taught English phonetics and phonology, grammar, comprehension, and essay writing. In her third year, she taught grammar, methods of teaching, translation. In her fourth year, she taught grammar, semantics, testing and evaluation, methods of research writing, Applied linguistics as well as observation and teaching application. She taught also at the University of Mosul, College of Education, Evening study, Phonology topic. Dr. Asmaa’ supervised at least 25 research undergraduate students (1999-2002). During this period, she was selected from the Baghdad Ministry of Higher Education and Open Educational College to record and present a permanent lecture (Tv Circus). Then, she taught many other topics and chosen to present instructional materials to be considered syllabus for teaching in the same university. Later, she was awarded to complete her Ph.D. study since at that time it was not accepted for anybody to complete a Ph.D. At the same time, 2003 gained an international acceptance to complete a Ph.D. in California University but unfortunately, the War circumstances deprived her of traveling there. Thus, she came back to complete study at the University of Mosul, College of Arts, Department of English Language. She finished her study in 2007 carrying out her thesis entitled: “Reflective Teaching: A Suggested Approach for Improving English Language Teaching” under the supervision of Dr. Hussein Ali Al-Gargary. After her Ph.D. postgraduation, unfortunately, a very difficult situation has faced her. She lost her mother and brother within the same month. That reason made her so grieve and decided to change her place of work and living. She was chosen to be a lecturer at the College of Basic Education, Department of English Language at Mosul University. But she refused to be a lecturer in the Region of Kurdistan. In 2007, Dr. Asmaa’ was a lecturer at the University of Duhok – College of Basic Education – Department of English. Within three months, she received an alarm from Duhok's presidency to be a member of the English Department Staff. In 2010 she was awarded to be head of the Department. Two months later, she got another alarm from Duhok's presidency to be head of the Department of English in Zakho also. She spent three months being head of the departments (Duhok and Zakho), she awarded again to have a visit by Eras Mundus program for a month to Spain - Biboa – the University of Deusto – Department of English – College of Education. She presented research in a short time to be a project in UoD. After returning from Spain, she gained acceptance for a Post Ph.D. study to do research for six months in Poland - University of Warsaw – College of Education. She did the research entitled: “Learners' Difficulties in Developing Reading Skills in Secondary Schools – The English Language Teachers’ Perspective” in 2013. Since 2013-2021 Dr. Asmaa’ has been participating in workshops, scientific sessions, and conferences inside and outside Iraq – and the Region of Kurdistan. Moreover, she has been evaluating researches for gaining scientific dignity in Higher Education. She published five pieces of research in several magazines inside the Region of Kurdistan – Nawroz University, Mosul University, and Al-Anbar University. Work Experience Experience 1993-1998 Teaching English at the Intermediate and Secondary Schools 1999-2007 Teaching English at the Institute of Fine Arts and University / Open Educational College OEC 1995-1998 Head of the Dept. of English – Institute of Fine Arts for Girls 1999-2007 Head of the Dept. of English in OEC 2007-2010 Lecturer in Kurdistan Region- UoD-College of Basic Education-Department of English October 2010 Gained a request from the Presidency of UoD for having a visit to Spain-Bilbao-University of Deusto to undergo training to develop the department 2011-2013 Head of the Department of English – College of Basic Education Feb. 2012 Having a request from the Presidency of UoD to be the Head of the Department of English in Zakho 2013 Director of Scientific Issues and Higher Studies in Zakho 2013 Participating in Erasmus Mundus Program for gaining Post Ph D University of Warsaw-Poland (methods of teaching, teacher training, and applied linguistics) 2014-2015 Center of Educational Researches – Head of English Language in the research unit 2015-2016 Center of Educational Researches – English Research Unit - Lecturer in the Department of English Language – College of Basic Education 2015-2016 Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Psychology (morning and evening) / College of Basic Education   2016-2017 2016-2017 Lecturer at the Department of English (Morning and Evening)-College of Basic Education. Supervisor for 12 undergraduate students (Morning and Evening) Head of TQA in the Dep. of English Member of Curriculum Development Committee Member of Higher Studies Committee 796 in 5/11/2016 2017 Lecturer in the Center for Training – Cultural Centre teaching Diploma, Master and Ph. D undergraduate students from various specializations and Colleges within Kurdistan Region of Iraq- University of Duhok. 2019-2020 Visitor in Amedi and Zakho University 2020-2021 Visitor in Amedi and Zakho University 2019-2020 Lecturer for MA students in UoD 2020-2021 Lecturer for MA students in UoD 2020-2021 Lecturer – part-time – Uod – University of Cihan Discussions: اولا// 1. اسم الطالبة : زينب عبد الباري / ماجستير / كلية التربية الاساسية / قسم التربية الخاصة / الموصل في رسالتها الموسومة : "اثر استخدام استراتيجيات التواصل في تحصيل طالبات الصف الاول المتوسط وتنمية دافعيتهن نحو تعلم اللغة الانكليزية" 2. العدد والتاريخ 2139 س في 26/2/2015 3. تاريخ المناقشة : يوم الاثنين المصادف 6/4/2015 في الساعة التاسعة ص في جامعة دهوك بدلا من جامعة الموصل. ثانيا// 1. اسم الطالب : فارس جمعة محمد الكيكي / ماجستير / كلية التربية الاساسية / قسم التربية الخاصة / الموصل في رسالتها الموسومة : "اثر استخدام تراكيب كيجان في التحصيل والاحتفاظ لدى تلاميذ الصف الخامس الابتدائي في مادة اللغة الانكليزية" 2. العدد والتاريخ ر.ع / 1050 في 29/9/2015 3. تاريخ المناقشة : يوم الخميس المصادف 5/11/2015 في الساعة التاسعة ص في جامعة دهوك بدلا من جامعة الموصل.



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