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Birth Date: 1977-10-09

Nationality: Iraq

Address: DUHOK / AvroCity

Rana AbdulRahman Aziz

Assistant Professor

Department of Anesthesia

Doctor Academic teacher for under & Postgraduate Medical students
Area Interest
Medicine & Surgery.
Teaching Materials
Human Anatomy General Histology Systemic Histology Histopathology Advance Histopathology Medical Ethics.

Assistant Professor. Rana A Aziz AlTae born in Baghdad, spent the primary school in UK Newcastle, returned back to Baghdad and graduated from the high school to College of Medicine University of Baghdad graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor's Degree in Surgery & Medicine ( M.B.Ch.B). Worked as a Resident Doctor in Baghdad Medical City for the Ministry of Health then worked in Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research as a teaching assistant in College of Medicine in 2006. Master's Degree in Human Anatomy & Histology from College of Medicine TUCOM in 2009. PhD Degree in Human Anatomy & Histology from College of Medicine TUCOM in 2013. Academic title as an Assistant Professor since 2016 till now. Teaching Anatomy, Histology, Embryology to students of medicine and dentistry and pharmaceutical colleges in different Iraqi Universities.



English (Proficient)


Arabic (Proficient)


Kurdish (Beginner)



Research Skills

Extensive skills in writing medical papers, articles, health workshops, thesis


Practical Skill in the Remark Office OMR Program

Proficient in the Electronic Optical Mark Recognition in Electronic and Bubble Sheet Examinations done in the Examination Committees of both Under & Postgraduate students in Medical Colleges



Reading Books, Medical Magazines

Reading for me is the window for the world in its different cultures and behaviors Updating our knowledge about the numerous branches of Science is mandatory in our academic field and done by READING



Discovering places with their own Traditions, Social activities, Religions


2010 – 2013


Human Anatomy and Histology


Advanced Anatomy and Histology, Clinical Anatomy, Radio-anatomy, Surface Anatomy, Comparative Anatomy.

2007 – 2009


Human Anatomy and Histology


Master Science in the Human Anatomy, General & Systemic Histology, Embryology, Regional & Systemic Body Dissection.

1995 – 2001


Medicine College


M.B.Ch.B (Bachelor in Medicine & Surgery) Resident Doctor in Medical City in Baghdad

Academic Title


Assistant Professor

Anatomy and Biology Department



Anatomy and Biology Department


Assistant Lecturer

Anatomy and Biology Department


2018-01-02 – Present

Iraqi Academic Association

2001-10-01 – Present

Iraqi Medical Association


علاقة طول العمود الفقري للانسان مع طول النخاع الشوكي وما هي الانحناءات الاولية والثانوية للعمود الفقري؟


What are the Organs we can live without?

Hall 216

ما هي الاعضاء التي نستطيع العيش بدونها؟


The Difference between Myocardial Infarction & Angina Pectoris. What is Catheterization, Balloon, Stent, CABG of the Heart

Hall 216

الفرق بين الجلطة القلبية والذبحة الصدرية. ما هي القسطرة، البالون، الشبكة، وترقيع شرايين القلب


Anatomical description of DISC PROLAPSE & Sciatica

Hall 216

الوصف التشريحي للانزلاق الغضروفي وعرق النسا


Differences in the BRAIN between Men & Women

Hall 216

الفروقات في الدماغ بين الرجال والنساء



World Obesity Day

Peshmerga Hall

Medical Health Department & Medical Microbiology Department with MMD Students collaboration to say NO to Obesity, staying healthy, preventing this world wide spread disease

Publication Journal


Refined radio-anatomical lumber level of iliac crest attic.

Teikyo Medical Journal : (Issue : 01:4415-4423) (Volume : 45)

iliac crest, radiological, lumbar level Many surgical, anesthetic, and clinical procedures are identified by the correlation between the iliac crest level in comparison to the lumbar vertebrae, this is in one hand while on the other hand, many procedures found the iliac crest comes in the way of the surgeon or the anesthetist and hence the importance of the exact radiological determination of the iliac crest level. The measurements were taken for 56 patients who underwent surgical or anesthetic procedures. They were divided into 29 (52%) females and 27(48%) males, to whom pure lateral XR was taken in lying position to simulate their position later on over the operative table, The L4, L5, and intervertebral disc in-between them was divided into the following zonal areas: L4 upper zone, L4 middle zone, L4 lower zone, L4-5 disc zone, L5 upper zone, L5 middle zone, and L5 lower zone. A pure lateral radiograph was intended so that bias that may happen due to tilting of the body was avoided. Whenever there was mismatching between the right and left iliac crests on the XR ray film, the difference between the two was taken and the mean of the two levels was used. The top of the iliac crest was recorded according to its level in comparison to the previously mentioned zones. The patient's age, sex, weight, and height were recorded, and the body mass index (BMI) was calculated for each. Iliac crest level according to the lumbar vertebral zones, the highest percentage of males found at L4-5 intervertebral disc 66.7% of the 26.8% of the cases while the highest percentage of females was found at L5 upper zone 66.


Anatomical differences of cerebellar vermis measurements values in healthy adults men an women using MRI images

International Journal of Scientific Research IJSR : (Issue : 12 ISSN No 2277-8179) (Volume : 5)

Introduction Human cerebellum is the second largest structure attributed to the brain located in the posterior cranial fossa (1). It consists of a tightly folded and crumpled layer of cortex, with white matter underneath (arbor vitea), several deep nuclei embedded in the white matter, and a fluid-filled ventricle in the middle. It has portion of the brainstem called the pons in front of it and separated from the overlying cerebrum by a layer of leathery dura mater called tentorium cerebelli (2, 3). Like the cerebral cortex, the cerebellum is divided into two hemispheres and contains a narrow midline zone called the vermis. A set of large folds are conventionally used to divide the overall structure into ten smaller "lobules". Results and discussion: The results revealed that there is a strong significant difference in which the males' vermis is larger than the females' in this specific sectional MRI study. Moreover, these results might help to address controversies in the study of sexual dimorphisms and asymmetric patterns in human cerebellum.


Inclination of the Lumbosacral angle in normal individual an MRI study

Global Journal for Research Analysis GJRA : (Issue : 10. ISSN No 2277-8160) (Volume : 5)

Back ground The Lumbosacral angle is the angle between the long axis of the lumbar part of the vertebral column and that of the sacrum. Materials and method The subject of this study was the measurement of the inclination of the lumbosacral angle (LSI), by using lumbosacral MRI studies of 50 apperantly normal MRI lms (25 males and 25 females) in order to estimate from the pure anatomic point of view if there is a gender difference in different age groups. Electronic Goniometer was used. Results and discussion: The ages of male group was ranged from 17-75 years old (mean 43.6), while the females group was from 18-70 years old (mean 43.48). The LSI angle mean for males was 138.56 and that of females group was 141.08. Although the angles measurements were bigger for females than males, the P value = 0.278 (>0.05) indicates that there was no statistical signi cant difference between the two means Conclusion: The lumbosacral angle is simple to be measured radiologically especially by MRI and the results obtained from our population is comparable to those published by other foreign researchers with comparable means, the females have larger angles than males but with no signi cant statistical difference.


Carnal dimorphism of femur distal extremity

Scientific Conference of medical group colleges : (Issue : 1) (Volume : 1)

Sympathy from the skeleton or its fragments is very dynamic medico-legally and anthropologically so contemporary consideration aims to gain standards span dimension of distal extremity of femur, epicondyles, and to evaluate its protagonist in determining correct sexual compassion. Material and methods: Revision was carried out on fresh and dry normal, adult, human femur (85 male & 71 female) at Tikrit mortuary and Anatomy department, medical college, Tikrit University (Iraq). Femurs epicondyles breadths were measured via sliding caliber and compact plastic ruler graphed in centimeter. Results: Obtained mean values were 8.22 cm & 7.35 cm for left male & female and 8.29cm & 7.4 cm for right male and female respectively. Higher values in male were statistically highly significant (P< 0.05) on both sides. Demarking point, analysis of the data showed that male epicondyle breadth is grander than that of the female and the right sides shows extra dimension than that of its partner left side. Discussion: The epicondyles mediolateral breadth of left femur demarking points, definite sexual classification in male epicondyle if breadth >7.8cm and for female was if breadth <7.0cm. The epicondyles mediolateral breadth of right femur demarking points, definite sexual classification in male epicondyle if breadth >7.9 cm and for female was if breadth <7.1cm. Conclusions: epicondyles breadth of normal human adult femur regard as sexual discrimination mark and left side is either equal or less in scopes than right side.


Anatomical and Histological Features of Placentae of Different Age Groups

Iraqi Journal Comm. Med : (Issue : 1) (Volume : 2)

Objectives: To study the structure of placentae of different age groups and relate that to the newborn baby and the mother. Methods: 112 placentae samples were investigated during the period from August 2007 to August 2008 under light microscope for mother aged 15-45 years old. Results: It was found that normal placental shapes had no correlation to mother age, while abnormal shapes were found more in young age groups. The better placental measured parameters were found in mother age 20-24 years. The percentages of abnormal umbilical cord insertion were very high compared to other studies. Babies' gender had a correlation with the placental thickness; male babies have thicker placentae than females. Male babies have longer umbilical cords with wider diameter than females. Light microscope picture showed the chorionic villi with isolated fetal blood vessel were higher in number in 20-24 years old mothers than other, and the package arrangement increased with age. Conclusions: The best placental parameters both grossly and histologically found in mothers aged 20-24 years old. Mothers younger than 20 years old found to have abnormal insertions of the umbilical cord.


Ultrasonographical and Doppler study of human Placenta of different Maternal age groups

Tikrit Medical Journal : (Issue : 1:114-118) (Volume : 16)

To study the site of placentae and the umbilical artery blood flow of different age groups and relate that to the newborn baby and the mother. 117 placentae samples were investigated using ultrasound and 30 placentae samples were studied using Doppler ultrasound during the period from August 2007 to August 2008 for full term placentae of mothers aged 15- > 45 years old. By ultrasound; there was detection of good percentage of the placental site to be on the posterior wall of the uterus in case of male babies, while it was anterior in case of female babies and it was previa and fundal in females more than in the males. The Doppler ultrasound revealed that the mother in any age group can conceive and have a healthy placenta because the readings in all mothers’ age groups were normal but in spite of that the young mothers had the best readings than the old ones and there was a high significant difference between them. The best parameters regarding the placenta ultrasonographically found in mothers aged between 20 to 24 years old. Naturally as the mother gets older her organs suffer aging, but in spite of that the placenta seems to play all its effort to give the best physiological function, so that it can support the growing baby.

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